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Volume 16 No. 2, December 2017



1. Does Social Risk Management Matter? Influencing Factors and Their Link to Firms’ Financial Performances
Tamoi Janggu, Yussri Sawani, HaslindaYusoff, Faizah Darus and Mustaffa Mohamed Zain

2. Corporate Social Responsibility Practices among the SMEs in Malaysia – A Preliminary Analysis
Norhafizah Norbit, Anuar Nawawi and Ahmad Saiful Azlin Puteh Salin

3. Ethical Values, Integrity and Internal Controls in Public Sector Organisations: A Developing Country Perspective
Philip Ayagre and Julius Aidoo-Buameh

4. A Review on Computer Technology Applications in Fraud Detection and Prevention
Rafidah Zainal, Ayub Md Som and Nafsiah Mohamed

5.  Detecting Accounting Anomalies Using Benford’s Law: Evidence from the Malaysian Public Sector
Nooraslinda Abdul Aris, Rohana Othman, Muhamad Anas Mohd Bukhori, Siti Maznah Mohd Arif and Mohamad Affendi Abdul Malek

6. Integrated Reporting and Financial Performance: Evidence from Malaysia
Luk Pui Wen and Angeline Yap Kiew Heong

7. The Role of Intra-Organizational Factors in Accounting Information System Effectiveness
Shamsudeen Ladan Shagari

8. Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance and Tax Compliance: Evidence from Malaysia
Mohd Taufik Mohd Suffian, Siti Marlia Shamsudin, Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi and Ancella Anitawati Hermawan

9. Sustainability and Accountability of Social Enterprise
Nur Hayati Ab Samad, Roshayani Arshad, Siti Haliza Asat and Nawal Kasim

10. The Usefulness of Financial Statement Reporting by Charitable Companies Limited by Guarantee in Malaysia
Ahmad Saiful Azlin Puteh Salin, Muhammad Faiz Tumiran and Anuar Nawawi

11. Public Sector Accountability – Evidence from the Auditor General’s Reports
Juliana Shariman, Anuar Nawawi and Ahmad Saiful Azlin Puteh Salin

12. A Comparative Analysis of Intellectual Capital Disclosure Practices between Malaysia and Indonesia
Zuraida Mohamad Noor, Amrizah Kamaluddin and Erlane K Ghani


Accounting Research Institute (ARI), Level 12, Menara SAAS, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA
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